Thursday, 5 February 2015

Back Pain as You Age: How to Take Control of Your Life

The days of the youth years are probably the best in one's life. Not only does one look good but feel good as well. Age ushers in a new set of problems. Yes, it brings along plethora of wisdom but there are several strings attached of body discomfort. As one ages, certain aches and pains become inevitable. One of them is the back pain.

A 40s Syndrome 
The decade of the 40s dawns with a specific category of pain; of course, you guessed it right. It is that nagging back pain that troubles you all day. The medical fraternity does not blame age as a fundamental reason for this particular pain. On the contrary, professionals describe wrong sitting posture and improper sleeping habits as the real culprits.

Agents of Help
Concentrating on a few fundamental aspects could relieve you from back pain to a large extent. To begin with, be very careful of your posture while bending and carrying things. Bend your knees instead of the back to pick up things from the floor. When trying to lift weight, ensure it is only 25 percent of your own weight.
If you are in a profession that requires sitting in front of the computer screen four hours altogether, ensuring a good posture is a must. Make adjustments with the height level of the chair and the computer screen but ensure that your back is upright.
When hitting the sack at night, if you are facing discomfort, it may be about time to invest in a new mattress.
As for medication, there are several available in the market. Some of these include ibuprofen, acetaminophen and aspirin. Incorporating exercise in the form of aerobics or yoga could also help you combat back pain.

Hold the Reins 
You may be feeling miserable because of the everyday nuisance of back pain, but get out of this depressive cocoon and take control of your life. When talking of exercising with the intention of reducing pain, you may find yourself in a Catch-22 situation. Yes, resorting to exercising will definitely hurt but the lesser you exercise the weaker your muscles become. Also, it has been clinically proven that even a view minutes of exercising gives a boost to endorphins, better known as the ‘feel good chemicals’ released by the brain. Meditation is another stress management technique that could work wonders towards soothing pain.
As far as possible try having a good sleep regime and avoid alcohol consumption prior to calling it off for the day. Although you may feel that alcohol accelerates your sleep but it actually results in shallow sleep. Many use smoking as an appendage for relieving stress as well. You will be surprised to know that in the long run it only causes further degeneration of your body cells. The best prescription to a healthy body is a well balanced diet.
Maintain a daily record of your pain score. Such notes will not only help you comprehend the reasons of your pain but will facilitate better treatment by your doctor as well. Back pain could be a way of life after a certain age, do not let it hinder your happiness. Get yourself out of this syndrome; plan for a party or go to that spa that makes you feel awesome. Lesser concentration on your pain will give better control.

Statistics highlight that one amongst three individuals is believed to suffer from pain. So let you not believe that you are you only one suffering. Back pain in particular is not a disease; it is a habit generated problem. Taking control of certain facets of your life can certainly slacken this growing age related hassle.

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